Wednesday, December 10, 2008


This is scourge. Right now, shadowflock (or whatever the new name will be) is being REvamped. I am editing the blog furiously, so keep on reading, and adding lots of pics. ALso, we will be taking on some new members. I now weild a new weapon, but thats a story for another day.

DEtruction REborn-

Friday, November 21, 2008

Well guys, ShadowFlock and Flamex alike, alot of stuff has happened lately, and for those of you who are lost, heres a recap..

Chiharu transforms into rouka

Mystic is rescued from Drake in the light dimension..

some boy attacks rebellion

Chiharu banishes Dark away

Me and alter become leaders of flamex for the time being

Thats it so far of important things.. so everybody stay strong, and keep your guard up.

DEstruction REborn
-Scourge Zero

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

DEstruction REborn

Yo everyone, im back from the dead. A couple of shinigami were trying to attack me, for kicks i guess. but i ripped them apart, and absorbed all the energy in the shinigami realm, and getting a new weapon. I now weild NetherShot, a netherworld gun, along with shadowrend. I look a bit different too, but in the inside im still Scourge.

The next step is to save mystic, which me alter and may will oversee.

Destruction Reborn- Scourge

Monday, November 3, 2008

Anime Supercon 2008 see post below

these are the videos of us at the con.. i could put it in the other post, it was too big. if u havent seen the other post below this one, READ IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!

Yes, alter gave up at the end, leaving me to fight the ninja. The thing i swung out at the beginning was a YoYo, since i was ness from super smash bros.

Okay folks, you may have seen the pivot animation of me fighting alter, but heres the real deal, alter with a fake sword, me with a yoyo and baseball bat, and a hat.. enjoy!!! (alter also had his afro to fight with btw)

This is either brock lee or alter (cant remember) sword fighting some dude we met..

the dancing chicken we saw..

me and ninja fight star wars people..

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Anime Super Con 2008

Hey faithfull readers, heres some pics and videos of me, brocklee, and Alter at the Anime Super Con 2008 in Miami. Its a big post lol

Im dressed as ness in the striped shirt, alter in tan jackt, and brocklee in blue shirt.

This is a ninja we fought with and teamed up with eventually

This is a pic of alter..

This is me dressed as Ness about to smack someone with a bat

To Arms!

Im going to post the vids in another post so keep watching

Friday, October 24, 2008

Flock battles: Havoc Vrs. alter

Alter is blue one im black one

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Havoc Zero

Guys, i just completed an ultimate focus sucessfully. An ultimate focus focuses your mind and you become one with your element. But rather than become more proficient in shadows, my shadow skill remained the same, and i now weild free energy. Free energy is the unharnessed raw force that surrounds us all, i can manipulate it into flames, lightning, even weapons, you name it. So im changing my name again, to Havoc Zero.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For the good of the SF

ok guys. You all voted yes, but i can tell from the way you talk to each other that everyone thinks a war is a bad idea minus lachlann. Be that as it may, there will be no war, however me and lachlann will oversee some negotiation with alphas flock.

Stay socky

o.ONemsis shadowmancerO.o

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well all shadow flock members, and other readers, it seems the alpha flock has once again managed to start a war, and this time its for real. You see, i was to fight alpha for the tournament, and the battle was going in my favor, i was using the raigan techniques to demolish alpha. Then alpha hawk felt the need to attack me during the match, a death sentence for her, as i had lachlann go kill her. After i killed alpha ending the match, phoenix decided to unprovably try to "vaporize" me. If the alpha flock wants a fight, we r gunna give it to em. Shadow flock, if you encounter any alpha flock members on any given chat, you have authority to attack and kill. It's on now!

P.S- im looking for a name other than shadowflock. the name that i like the most will be our flock name and be the site name for the new blog im making. One of my suggestions- Dark Avengers?

Monday, October 6, 2008


Guys i cant make it to the tourney if its on monday, so im trusting alter and mystic to do some major ownage. All shadowflock members, watch your back outside of the ring, if anything happens you let me know and we will be on them like white on rice you hear?

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Shadow Flock

hey guys. for all of you who read my blog and didnt know, heres the list of all the shadowflock members- Me, Alter, Mystic, and some one else who i will not name at the moment. its a small force, but one to be reckoned with. you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.

Stay socky-Nemesis-shadowmancer

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Ok i think its time i officially explained Loiosh to you guys. He is a shadow Spawn, a creature that can change its shape to anything and has lots of the same powers i have. he likes to take the shape of the picture shown. How did i come across him? Well, when i went to the shadow dimension before, i came across a guy who controlled shadow spawns and wanted to take over earth with them. Go figure. The leader of a particular clan of spawns (they live in clans) or Loiosh, teamed up with me to defeat the guy. We found that we made a good team, so we made a deal. I'd feed him and provide him with the chance to see new places, and in return he'd fight for me and assist us. So thats his story. He can also talk, and he gets really fresh with people, so careful what you say around him.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shadow Com

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

Alter's blog

Guys, in case you didnt know already, alter has a blog too. its so, go bother him. no im kidding. but still, be sure to stop by his blog every once and a while. Its pretty cool.

Nemesis Shadowmancer

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My mission is not yet done.

Guys, you go chill out 4 now. But my battle is not done yet. You've been to alpha's dimension right? well theres lots of other ones out there, and i have to watch them. and right now, theres things 10 times worse than itex out there, yumi should know theres one stalking her. so you see, i ve got to keep working on ridding the universe of all this corruption. Did you know that itex vacationed at over 20 dimensions? I will take care of it, dont worry. But help is always needed, and for now my goal is to bring zeno back from the dead and then set off.

The dark avenger

Battle Recap

Hey everyone, i know you guys wanna know what happened when we defeated Itex earlier, so heres the long and confusing recap.

Well, we arrived while itex was readying to enter alphas dimension. I unleashed phantom, my darker half in itex, but he got out of control. Alpha started killing stuff too. Following this, after there was nothing left, crystal appeared and attacked phoenix for some unknown reason. Then who should appear but zeon himself, more on that later. Alpha started to attack phoenix, and some how me and phantom fused into what i am now- Enigma. to stop alpha from attacking phoenix, i grabbed her in a choke (alpha if you read this, i apologize for that). then i let her go to fight zeon, and she attacked again. I then froze her in time, and phoenix detained her with bars of fire. Well, she broke out, and hacked at me, but as the name phantom inplies, it phased right through me. Anywho, she then tried to destroy phoenixes memories, so i wiped her mind, but stopped when everyone else told me too. then alpha turned normal 4 a little bit, and i finished off zeon. Er, alpha then attacked a last time, wounding phoenix, and she turned normal for good (i hope). The phoenix died. but dont worry, he was reborn from ashes in this cool explosion. err um then alphas brother apppeared, had a talk with her... ummm i teleported away with my new self, and thats it.

what a mouthfull

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nanaca Crash

Hey, if youve played it, post your best record here! But only post your score hereand maybe a message, comments for the catch phrase contest or anything else should go to the respective posts. Thanks and have fun! By the way, my top score is 2744 meters! Beat that!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a catch phrase

hey guys, i have a contest for u all. whoever can come up with a good catch phrase for me as warp and for me as abyss will get a prize. We all need a catch phrase right? i mean we are saving the world... no tights required.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Flock

I am currently a member of the alphaflock. rather than waste my time telling you details, here is the site:

We need you in our battle against itex

Huh? Why are you here?

Hello. I have no IDEA how you found this site, let alone why you would want to waste 5 mins of your life. But, since you are on here... i guess you should read my posts. if there are any...