Sunday, September 21, 2008


Ok i think its time i officially explained Loiosh to you guys. He is a shadow Spawn, a creature that can change its shape to anything and has lots of the same powers i have. he likes to take the shape of the picture shown. How did i come across him? Well, when i went to the shadow dimension before, i came across a guy who controlled shadow spawns and wanted to take over earth with them. Go figure. The leader of a particular clan of spawns (they live in clans) or Loiosh, teamed up with me to defeat the guy. We found that we made a good team, so we made a deal. I'd feed him and provide him with the chance to see new places, and in return he'd fight for me and assist us. So thats his story. He can also talk, and he gets really fresh with people, so careful what you say around him.


May said...

When you went to the Shadow Dimension and found the guy who controls shadow spawns and wants to take over the world, did he say his name?

Zeit Exitium said...

no i didnt get his name, but i know for a fact it stated with an R. and btw well bust you out soon.

May said...

That's helpful and thanks

Unknown said...

Dude... nice blog man... I didnt know you had a chat box... though I though Loiosh looked different....

-Fang Goth

Zeit Exitium said...

thanks fang. loiosh takes lots of forms, thats his origional one. yeah i have a box but it has been neglected lately

Alter Cosmos said...

Loiosh doesn't look healthy have you been feeding him? lol j/k, ummm tell me when you guys can hang out again to make up for yesterday, and my dad lives literally down the street from brock, so next weekend might be a good weekend kk peace

Alter Cosmos
~May the melons be with you~

May said...

your chat box isn't neglected anymore

Lachlann said...

Not when I am done with it though...

Loiosh looks good for a shadow spawn I guess....

The Rebellion,