Sunday, January 18, 2009

Next Chapt. of my book!!

Thanks for the feedback, ive been working hard to complete the first chapter!!!

Chapter One- The Explosion

I guess I should start off this story telling you my name, my situations, and how I’m on some sort of quest to save the world, or reach inner justice. I could tell you, but I’d be lying. I’m not a normal kid, who happens to be dragged into a fanciful journey with dragons, wizards, or beautiful princesses. I’m most definitely NOT a hero. You could even go so far as to say I’m the villain. But since I’ve got your attention, let me tell you about myself.
I go by many names, probably because I don’t remember my original one. I have been known as, The Shadow, Reaper, Havoc, The Plague, EL Muerte. Nowadays, people in the U.S. simply call me Scourge, meaning, death, destruction, confusion, pain. Most people though, call me AAAAAGHHHHH, since that’s all they get to say before I take them out. You’re probably thinking, hey, why is everyone in America scared of a teenage boy? What a good question. If you were reading the first paragraph like you should have, you would know im not exactly normal. You see, I am a DEMIN. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ll talk about DEMINS later. The reason I kill, or hurt, is because I am a bounty hunter, mercenary, assassin. Now, you, the ultra-inquisitive reader is probably asking, if I’m so powerful as to strike fear into the hearts of grown people everywhere, why do I need money, or even a job like this? Well, Mr. Twenty Questions, the answer is because I get bored. Yes, call me crazy, but when you have ultra destructive powers, you tend to want to do ultra destructive things. I don’t kill for fun, but I enjoy a good fight. Also, I fight to keep my family safe. Not my real, human family, but a group of DEMINs that I stay with. I guess family isn’t a good word, its more like a gang. But its not like we go around doing gang-like things, like robberies, drive by’s, or anything. Our only purpose is to survive, and we use the money I make to buy sweet stuff like t.v,s video games, and other crap. You see, there are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of DEMINs out there, and many of them are hostile. If you are a DEMIN, you have to constantly worry about others like you attacking you, stealing your territory and possetions, or even killing you. You see, DEMINs are the governments pet name for mutants, accidents, monsters. DEMINS have special abilities, and strengths, as well as weaknesses. All demins were the result of a huge explosion at a genetic enhancement facility. A few years back, the military perfected the art of genetic enhancement for soldiers, you know, make them like captain America and such. But it wasn’t popular with the people, especially not the AGENTs. AGENTS stands for Anti-Genetic-enhancement and-Neurotic-tampering-society. They were extreme protestors, and often started riots. Well, one day, they were protesting outside the largest Genetic Enhancement factory in America. Then some genious thought it would be a good idea to throw a stick of dynamite in the factory, as an act of defiance towards the government. Well, as you probably know from watching violent cartoons, dynamite, plus flammable factory material, equals mushroom cloud. And it did. But for some reason, the reaction released a virus into the air. Me and a bunch of other people were hanging out behind the factory, when the explosion happened. We were playing football, and the ball was kicked over the fence into the factory. I volunteered to go get it. I curse myself for going in there. Right as I hopped the gate, a huge explosion rocked everything. Before I knew it, the skin on my right arm was vaporized, as well as the muscles and tendons. Then the virus saved me. It’s a pretty curious thing, the virus. Supposedly it only passes to kids and teens, because they have the most hormone levels, which the virus feeds off of. Side effects of the virus result in special abilities. This virus isn’t from our planet, some scientists say. Others say it was produced when the radiation from the genetic mutation experiment reacted with chemicals in the air or something. But as soon as the explosion hit, I was lying face down, in a pile of debris. Most of the bones in my body were broken, I was badly burned. The worst part, was that my right arm was nothing but gleaming white bone. The virus took over however, and it seemed the world was turned upside down. All the colors formed a kaleidoscope in my mind, everything warping into an array of chaos and confusion. Then everything was calm, and black. After I woke up, everything was different. I could sense things that weren’t there, like another part of the universe just appeared to me. In a way, it did. Apparently, the virus gave me the ability to mold, see, and utilize the properties of dark matter. It’s all around us, just impossible to detect, and even more impossible to touch. But not for me. Using dark matter, I was able to patch myself us, hardening my bones, strengthening my muscles. I was able to piece my right arm together, despite the fact that the skin and muscle was long gone. Many other kids got different abilities, but none were known to have the same as mine. And that’s about it. That’s how I became a monster.


Skye said...

That's really good! I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Did you check out my new post yet? I've done some drawings for Flamex. They're not that good though but I'd love to know what you think.

Could you comment if you check it out please? Just in case I miss you on the chat again.

Yeah, I'm out of school sick with flu. That's why I'm commenting here so early. It's not too bad though, something funny happened earlier - mum has me doing a competition every hour and guess what I won in it? A case of apple juice!!! LOL!

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly